Espresso the Love

coffee Culture in Grand Rapids

The long awaited guide to Grand Rapids coffee shops has finally arrived and we are so excited to share this with all of you! Over the past six months, our spare time has been dedicated to visiting the fabulous coffee shops in Grand Rapids and documenting our experiences complete with photographs so that we can provide you with a guide to all things coffee here in Grand Rapids, Michigan. From the Westside, to Downtown, Midtown to Eastown / East Hills, we have you covered. This guide aims to answer questions like: “What coffee shops are on the Westside in Grand Rapids?”, “Which Grand Rapids coffee shop has CBD oil infused drinks?”, “Is there free parking at any Eastown coffee shops?”, “Who has the best pour overs in Grand Rapids?” … just kidding on that last one, that’s for you to decide, but you get the gist ;-)

For now, this will be a ‘living document’ meaning we will be updating it as things change (say for example when a new coffee shop opens in the Creston Neighborhood- we’re looking at you Boop de Boom!) That being said, if you come across an error or have a suggestion for us, we’re all ears! Shoot us email at: or

Grand Rapids Coffee Shops